
Michael McEllin

Art work from Michael McEllin - see also:

  • Artful Computing  - Michael's personal website - mostly about digital art.
  • Instagram account - Michael's instagram account - a mix of conventional media and some digital art.

I am a local amateur artist working in a variety of media. I have been an active hill walker for many years and a keen landscape photographer, which has more recently inspire a desire to paint and draw landscapes.

I have, however, also worked from the human figure for as long as I have been a hill walker (they both started at about the same time when I left university and moved to Bristol a great many decades ago and needed to build a new social life). Raising a family and moving out of Bristol created a large gap, but retirement gave me more opportunities and I took up life drawing again at Stroud Life Drawing's drop in sessions, plus more portraiture and painting at Box Art Group.

I also capitalise on my professional skills as a former computational physicist to construct bespoke software to produce mathematically inspired art work.