Any member may request the creation of a personal album for displaying their own artwork on this website. (In fact, you may request more than one album if you wish to distinguish different types of art work). Photos are stored in Google Photos "cloud" storage controlled by a Box Art Group Google user account under the name "boxartworks". 

Send a message to the boxartworks (at) email address.

After the account administrator creates an album with your name, you will be supplied with a personal web-link that will allow you to upload or delete individual photographs of your art work to the album. You should retain this link and keep it private. (The best way to do this is to create a book mark in your browser.) The administrator will also create a link to this web album on this website, and you should find this link associated with your name on the "Members Galleries" page

You may load up to 30 images in each album. (If you upload more images they will not be displayed on the website. You may however, divide your work into a number of different albums and we can display all of them - within reason.) 

In order to upload images, paste the link into a browser and it should take you to the album. But note:

  • Before you upload an image, use whatever photo editing software you normally employ to attach a caption and keywords. Make sure that this is saved as "metadata" with the image if you want it to appear in the Web album.
  • Otherwise, you will need to let me know what comments/captions should be associated with your image. (I would prefer not to have to do a lot of this!)
Once you have opened to link you should be able to upload images in one of two ways:
  • Just “drag-and-drop” an image from your computer file system onto the album. 
  • At the top of the page you will see (on the same level as the “Google Photos” header) a set of icons. The second from the left is a square with a + sign at the top right. Press this to get an invitation to search photos on your computer, or else you can press on “Select from Computer” to open a file-choose
I have not enabled comments on the albums at present. If I do, then anyone will be able to add comments. I will test what happens with one of my own web albums.
Deleting photos is possible if you “open" the image in the Google Photos album with a mouse click. You will then see at the top right of the page three vertical dots. This opens a menu that allows you to “Remove to Trash”. (There may already be one image in the album - I need to have something there to “hit” before I could create the link from the website. You might see if you can delete this.)  It is up to you to learn further how to manage images in this album. There is plenty of guidance from Google.


N.B. This facility is currently experimental and still under development. Please be patient and let me know of any issues.