We are a friendly group of amateur Cotswold Artists, based in the picturesque Gloucestershire village of Box, near Nailsworth and Minchinhampton. The Group welcomes members of all abilities: what we mainly have in common is a desire to improve our work with the help of our professional tutors.
Our meeting are for practicing artists, use a wide variety of media. where our tutors will aim to help members improve their techniques. The meeting programme may include events such as still-life set up, competition results and critique, demonstrations of new techniques by tutors. We often have a portrait sitter for those who like to work from a live model. (When we cannot find a sitter, be warned! The portrait enthusiasts may well wander around the room drawing you!)
The Group meets on Thursday afternoons, from 2pm to 4pm, at Box Village Hall, from September through to early June, with a number of casual plein air sessions outdoors in the Summer months. (This is the schedule of Box Art Group term-dates.) The complete event calendar is here.
We also hold an annual exhibition (usually in October) also in Box Village Hall at which members can display their work for sale.
Members of the Group may also request a "Web Album" in which they can display their work (and advertise it for sale, for a small commission to Group funds on any sales). See "Managing your Web Album" or follow the link on the menu above.