2024-2025 First session Last Session  No. Sessions
Autumn 05 September 05 December 14
Spring 09 January 05 April 13

24 April

5 June 7


Note that the Spring term normally ends just prior to the week when Box Village use the Hall for their annual pantomime and the Hall is unavailable that week for Box Art Group. That date is 21st March and we normally arrange a "Plein Air" session weather permitting.

Dates for Autumn Term 2024  - watch this space for further details of tutors, to be advised soon.

Tutor Date Comments

5th September


12th September

Roxy 19th September  
  26th September AGM
Roxy 3 October  
Beth 10th October Mounting exhibition
  11-13th October Box Art Group Exhibition 
Beth 17th October  
Roxy 24th October  
Roxy 31th October  
Beth 7th November Drypoint etching workshop (£5/person for materials)
Beth 14th November  
Roxy 21th November  
Roxy 28th November Competition critique
Beth 5th December End of term